I am open minded, deliberate, data driven, thoughtful and collaborative. The current City Council has three incumbents who are lawyers. I love lawyers, my life partner is a lawyer. But I believe my engineering and financial background and mindfulness inspired approach will be a value-add; we can use an engineer with a poet's heart on City Council.

Through my experience working with small businesses, I’ve acquired skills that I can apply to the City Council: managing a given budget for maximum benefit, the importance of planning (and navigating the balance between following that plan and remaining flexible), and working effectively with people to build morale and motivation toward common goals.

My life experiences have taught me that there are often win-win outcomes that are overlooked by the stakeholders because of poor communication or entrenched thinking. I’ve discovered I have a talent for listening, for learning, and for introducing creative alternatives that open up new possibilities for win-win outcomes to occur. Being a good collaborator also requires being open-minded, having patience, respect and trust.

I approach things with an analytical mind rooted in a human perspective (we are not widgets!), and so strive to have a balanced approach between the analytical and emotional in addressing the city’s challenges, conflicts, and opportunities. I believe it’s possible to reach consensus on issues and achieve better outcomes because all stakeholders have a part in shaping our community.

If you agree that Sausalito City Council could benefit from a different mix of talent and a new approach, I welcome your vote.

My Approach

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